Planetarische Kugelmühle
Professioneller Hersteller von experimentellen Kugelmühlen
Full-Directional Planetary Ball Mill
Full-Directional Planetary Ball Mill
Full-Directional Planetary Ball Mill
Full-Directional Planetary Ball Mill
Full-Directional Planetary Ball Mill
Full-Directional Planetary Ball Mill
Full-Directional Planetary Ball Mill
Full-Directional Planetary Ball Mill

Full-Directional Planetary Ball Mill

Aktualisierungszeit: 2025/02/10       Besuche: 98


Kategorie: Planetary Mill Series

Anwendungen: Working Principle: QXQM series planetary ball mill has four ball grinding tanks installed on one disc. When the turn disc rotates, the mill pots revolve on their own axis and make 360 degree rotation.

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Working Principle:

QXQM series planetary ball mill has four ball grinding tanks installed on one disc. When the turn disc rotates, the mill pots revolve on their own axis and make 360 degree rotation. And the balls in the tanks grind and mix samples in high speed movement. The product can smash and blend various products of different materials and granularity with dry or wet methods. Minimum granularity of ground samples can be as small as 0.1 micron meter.


QXQM series planetary ball mill is the requisite equipment for mixing, fine grinding, small sample preparing, new product development and small volume high-tech material production. The product has small volume, complete function, high efficiency and low noise. It is the ideal facility to acquire research samples for research institutes, universities as well as enterprise laboratories (can acquire four samples in one experiment).

Full-Directio<i></i>nal Planetary Ball Mill


1.The machine makes 360 degree planetary movement without any dead corner, so the ground powder is much smaller and more even

2. Gear transmission ensures to keep consistency and repeatability of experiment.

3. You may get four different powder samples at one time.

4. Variable frequency controlled and program controlled.

5. It solves the problems of materials sinking and sticking to the pot.


A wide range of powder can be ground by our planetary ball mill with different mill jars and balls, such as ore powder, fluorescent powder, glass powder, pigment powder and so on. Following are some powder samples for your reference.

Application Cases of Planetary Ball Mill:

Application Cases of Planetary Ball Mill

Test Report of Grinding Granularity by Planetary Ball Mill:

Test Report of Grinding Granularity by Planetary Ball Mill

Application Parameters

Application Parameters

Main Parameters of Full-Directional Planetary Ball mil

Main Parameters of Full-Directio<i></i>nal Planetary Ball mil

Measurement of Full-Directional Planetary Ball Mill

Measurement of Full-Directio<i></i>nal Planetary Ball Mill

Available Sizes of Mill Jar for Full-Directional Planetary Ball Mill

Available Sizes of Mill Jar for Full-Directio<i></i>nal Planetary Ball Mill

Mill Jars and Mill Balls:

We provide all kinds of mill pots in any matched size, which are made from following materials of agate, Alumina corundum ceramics, zirconia ceramics, silicon nitride ceramics, carborundum ceramics, stainless steel, high wear resistant steel, manganese steel, nylon, PU, cemented carbide, crystal glass, and etc.

1.Mill Jars:

Mill Jars

Suggestions for Matching Solution About Mill Jars & Materials:

Suggestions for Matching Solution A<i></i>bout Mill Jars & Materials

2.Mill Balls:

We can also provide all kinds of mill balls like stainless steel balls, zirconia balls, alumina balls, PU balls, steel carbon balls, tungsten balls, agate balls, hard metal balls, silicon nitride balls, high wear resistant steel ball, manganese steel balls, nylon balls, cemented carbide, crystal glass and other special metal materials.

Mill Balls

Suggestions for Matching Solution About Grinding Medium & Materials:

Suggestions for Matching Solution A<i></i>bout Grinding Medium & Materials

Suggestions for Matching Solution About Mill Jars & Mill balls:

Suggestions for Matching Solution A<i></i>bout Mill Jars & Mill balls

3.Pictures of Accessories & Spare Parts:

Pictures of Accessories & Spare Parts

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